Amazon Web Services (aws)


Create AWS Educate Account

Go to the ITS page for AWS and follow the instructions:

ITS’s aws page
ITS’s aws page

Follow the link colored in red

Click Join AWS Educate, follow the link, and put in all the information it asks for.

Create AWS Account

Also create an Amazon AWS account. This enables you to link it with the educate account.

creating the AWS account
creating the AWS account

Once created you can link accounts and apply for the credit of $100 in AWS credit. It could take a few hours to be approved.

Redeem credit

After you are approved Amazon will send you a code to redeem in an email. Follow the link they send you and then redeem the code.

redeem the aws credit
redeem the aws credit

Use the credit/make a virtual machine

Once account has been created you can do any of the many things AWS offers.

To make an AWS VM follow these steps:

launching a virtual machine
launching a virtual machine

Pick the type of OS you want to run. You can also click on the left side options to find even more options including debian OS

Fill out the type of machine you want and then click Review and Launch.

Click the instances tab and once your VM says it is Running you can connect by clicking the connect button and following the steps given by Amazon.

See also:

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