1. Goals for this week

  1. Learn about command line arguments in C and the atoi function

  2. Learn about file I/O in C, using C’s stream interface for file I/O: fopen, fclose, fscanf

  3. Practice with an example visualization program that uses the ParaVis visualization library.

  4. Some reminders about dynamically allocated 2-D arrays in C, and about using gdb and valgrind for debugging C programs

  5. Introduction to Lab 6.

2. Starting Point Code

Start by creating the week08 directory in your inlab subdirectory and copying over some files:

$ cd ~/cs31/inlab
$ mkdir week08
$ cd week08
$ pwd
$ cp ~richardw/public/cs31/week08/* ./
$ ls

3. C command line arguments and atoi

Let’s look at an example C program that takes command line arguments. Start by opening commandlineargs.c in an editor:

$ vim commandlineargs.c

The first thing to note is the change in `main’s definition:

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ...

The first parameter to main, argc, is the number of command line arguments. For example, if the user enters:

./a.out 10 11 200

argc will be 4 (a.out counts as one of the command line arguments, and 10, 11, and 200 as three more). Each command line argument is passed to main in the second parameter, argv, as a string (argv is an array of strings):

argv[0]:| *-|-----> "./a.out"
argv[1]:| *-|-----> "10"
argv[2]:| *-|-----> "11"
argv[3]:| *-|-----> "200"
argv[4]:| *-|-----| (NULL pointer: no more command line strings)

C has functions that can convert strings of numeric characters to their int, float, and other basic types, values. For example, atoi converts a string to an int:

int x = atoi(argv[1]);  // x gets the int value 10

See the man page for atoi for more information

$ man atoi

Let’s try compiling and running this program with different command line arguments and see what happens.

4. File I/O in C

We are going to look at an example of file I/O in C, using C’s stream interface for file I/O (fopen, fclose, fscanf, fprintf, etc.).

First lets look at some documentation about file I/O in C: File I/O in C

Next, open the fileio.c program and let’s see what this code is doing.

Then try running it with the students.txt file as a command line argument.

$ ./fileio students.txt

5. ParaVis Visualization Library

You will implement two different animation or visualization of the solution to your Lab 6 assignment. One of these will be a GUI (Graphical User Interface) visualization that uses the ParaVis library.

With the files you copied over is an example program that uses the ParaVis library. Let’s first try running it to see what it does:

$ ./visi_example 200 200 50

Then, let’s open up the source file and examine the code together:

$ vim visi_example.c

At the top of the file is a long comment about the steps a program needs to take to initialize and use the ParaVis library to visualize their program. Let’s first read through these, and then look at this code together, starting with main.

As we look at it, note how the struct is being used, and the argument to ParaVis library functions.

Let’s also look at the do_something function that performs some steps of updates to image buffer based on updates to application program state. Note that after each call to the ParaVis draw_ready function, the program calls usleep to slow down the animation:

usleep(SLEEPYTIME);   // otherwise animation too fast

Looking in the update_grid function, you can see how the program updates individual RGB values of each element of the image buffer (2D array of color3) based on some function of program data and loop counter variables:

buff[buff_i].r = (data->grid[index]) % 256;
buff[buff_i].g = (data->grid[index] + j) % 256;
buff[buff_i].b = 200;

Try changing this code, change the color values and/or the function used to set each color3 field value, recompile and see what happens. Remember that each of the three fields of a color3 struct can contain a value from 0 to 255.

There are a lot of website that will give you the RGB values for different colors. here is one example.

Documentation about using the ParaVisi interface is available as a comment at the top of the visi_example.c program. Also, more detailed documentation is available in the pthreadGridVisi.h header file:

$ vim /usr/local/include/qtvis/pthreadGridVisi.h

6. Reminder about gdb and valgrind for C program debugging

We are back to C programming this week, with pointers and functions.

You are all experts at using gdb to debug at the assembly level, but remember that you also know how to use gdb (and valgrind) to debug programs at the C code level.

Previously in lab, we looked at some examples of using both gdb and valgrind. Take a look at the In-Lab Assignment 5 page and the examples we talked about as a reminder of how to use these debugging tools.

7. Dynamically Allocated 2-D Arrays in C

We are not going to look at this program together in lab today, but the twoDarray.c program contains examples of C statically declared 2D arrays and dynamically allocated 2D arrays (using the single malloc).

As you work on Lab 6, you can refer to this example program dynamically allocate and accesses a 2D array.

8. Handy References