CS21: Quiz 5 Study Guide

In addition to all concepts from Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Quiz 3, and Quiz 4...

You should understand the following terms and concepts:

Practice problems:

  1. True/False questions:
  1. What is log(1024,2) in python (don't forget to import the math library)? What about log(2048,2)?

  2. Place these algorithm classes in order from best to worst: N, logN, N*N, NlogN

  3. Approximately how many iterations will binary search need to find a value in a list of 1 million items?

  4. How many steps are required for each of the following?

for i in range(N):
   for j in range(N):
      print(i, j)
while N > 1:
   N = N/2
for i in range(N):
   for j in range(10):
      print(i, j)

6)Show the index values for low, high, and mid for each step in searching the list L for the value x using binary search.

x = 99
L = [-20, -12, -4, 1, 7, 44, 45, 46, 58, 67, 99, 145]     low   mid   high
       0    1   2  3  4   5   6   7   8   9  10   11      ----------------

  1. Write a function to return the index of the smallest item in a given list.

  2. Show how the following list would be changed after selection sort does its first 3 swaps:

[15, 99, 4, 30, 3, 82, 7, 42]
  1. Consider the following function, oneLoop(L), which is similar to the inner loop from bubble sort:
def oneLoop(L):
   for j in range(len(L)-1):
      if L[j] > L[j+1]:
         tmp = L[j+1]
         L[j+1] = L[j]
         L[j] = tmp

Given the list L = [17, 4, 19, 3, 11, 8], what does L look like after one call to oneLoop(L)?

  1. Which algorithm requires time directly proportional to the size of the input list?