CS21 Lab 11: Example Output

This is output from a long run of a working program using the large input files.

  • It includes examples of each menu option, some menu options selected more than one time.

  • It includes examples of handling bad input values from the user (not necessarily handling every case).

  • It shows examples of output printed in the format that your solution should mimic.

User input is shown in bold.

$ python3 goKickstartMe.py
================== Menu ======================
1: list all funds
2: create a new fund
3: list donations for a fund
4: make a donation
5: list donations by contributor
6: quit
What would you like to do? 8
Sorry, that's not a valid choice
What would you like to do? 1

Here are the funds:
1: Bicycle; target: $200.00; current total: $986.00 (493% reached)
2: Clothes; target: $250.00; current total: $491.00 (196% reached)
3: College; target: $450000.00; current total: $54850.00 (12% reached)
4: DisneyWorld Trip; target: $14000.00; current total: $3033.00 (21% reached)
5: Glasses; target: $200.00; current total: $1026.00 (513% reached)
6: New Car; target: $55000.00; current total: $720.00 (1% reached)
7: Rainy Day Fund; target: $1000.00; current total: $1020.00 (102% reached)
8: School Supplies; target: $100.00; current total: $985.00 (985% reached)
9: Sneakers; target: $140.00; current total: $775.00 (553% reached)
10: Toys; target: $50.00; current total: $671.00 (1342% reached)

================== Menu ======================
1: list all funds
2: create a new fund
3: list donations for a fund
4: make a donation
5: list donations by contributor
6: quit
What would you like to do? 2

Creating new fund
What is the name of the new fund? School Supplies
A fund with that name already exists
What is the name of the new fund? Exercise Equipment
What is the fund's target amount? -100
The target must be positive
What is the fund's target amount? 400
Successfully created a new fund

================== Menu ======================
1: list all funds
2: create a new fund
3: list donations for a fund
4: make a donation
5: list donations by contributor
6: quit
What would you like to do? 1

Here are the funds:
1: Bicycle; target: $200.00; current total: $986.00 (493% reached)
2: Clothes; target: $250.00; current total: $491.00 (196% reached)
3: College; target: $450000.00; current total: $54850.00 (12% reached)
4: DisneyWorld Trip; target: $14000.00; current total: $3033.00 (21% reached)
5: Exercise Equipment; target: $400.00; current total: $0.00 (0% reached)
6: Glasses; target: $200.00; current total: $1026.00 (513% reached)
7: New Car; target: $55000.00; current total: $720.00 (1% reached)
8: Rainy Day Fund; target: $1000.00; current total: $1020.00 (102% reached)
9: School Supplies; target: $100.00; current total: $985.00 (985% reached)
10: Sneakers; target: $140.00; current total: $775.00 (553% reached)
11: Toys; target: $50.00; current total: $671.00 (1342% reached)

================== Menu ======================
1: list all funds
2: create a new fund
3: list donations for a fund
4: make a donation
5: list donations by contributor
6: quit
What would you like to do? 3

Here are the funds:
1. Bicycle
2. Clothes
3. College
4. DisneyWorld Trip
5. Exercise Equipment
6. Glasses
7. New Car
8. Rainy Day Fund
9. School Supplies
10. Sneakers
11. Toys
Which fund? 12
That is an invalid choice
Which fund? 2
Here are the donations:
Honey donated $65.00 on 2024-04-19
Rusty donated $90.00 on 2024-04-19
Honey donated $24.00 on 2024-04-19
Coco donated $15.00 on 2024-04-19
Rusty donated $64.00 on 2024-04-19
Chloe donated $23.00 on 2024-04-19
Chloe donated $53.00 on 2024-04-19
Bandit donated $69.00 on 2024-04-19
Bingo donated $29.00 on 2024-04-19
Honey donated $59.00 on 2024-04-19

================== Menu ======================
1: list all funds
2: create a new fund
3: list donations for a fund
4: make a donation
5: list donations by contributor
6: quit
What would you like to do? 3

Here are the funds:
1. Bicycle
2. Clothes
3. College
4. DisneyWorld Trip
5. Exercise Equipment
6. Glasses
7. New Car
8. Rainy Day Fund
9. School Supplies
10. Sneakers
11. Toys
Which fund? 11
Here are the donations:
Jack donated $35.00 on 2024-04-19
Jack donated $57.00 on 2024-04-19
Bandit donated $22.00 on 2024-04-19
Chloe donated $38.00 on 2024-04-19
Rusty donated $80.00 on 2024-04-19
Honey donated $60.00 on 2024-04-19
Bluey donated $34.00 on 2024-04-19
Chloe donated $21.00 on 2024-04-19
Bandit donated $19.00 on 2024-04-19
Chilli donated $12.00 on 2024-04-19
Rusty donated $23.00 on 2024-04-19
Indy donated $45.00 on 2024-04-19
Jack donated $79.00 on 2024-04-19
Indy donated $11.00 on 2024-04-19
Bandit donated $40.00 on 2024-04-19
Indy donated $22.00 on 2024-04-19
Honey donated $73.00 on 2024-04-19

================== Menu ======================
1: list all funds
2: create a new fund
3: list donations for a fund
4: make a donation
5: list donations by contributor
6: quit
What would you like to do? 4

Here are the funds:
1. Bicycle
2. Clothes
3. College
4. DisneyWorld Trip
5. Exercise Equipment
6. Glasses
7. New Car
8. Rainy Day Fund
9. School Supplies
10. Sneakers
11. Toys
Which fund? 5
What is the contributor's name? Bingo
What is the contribution amount? -80
The donation amount must be positive
What is the contribution amount? 80

================== Menu ======================
1: list all funds
2: create a new fund
3: list donations for a fund
4: make a donation
5: list donations by contributor
6: quit
What would you like to do? 5

Enter the name of the contributor: Chris
Chris has not made any donations

================== Menu ======================
1: list all funds
2: create a new fund
3: list donations for a fund
4: make a donation
5: list donations by contributor
6: quit
What would you like to do? 5

Enter the name of the contributor: Bluey
$71.00 to Bicycle on 2024-04-19
$37.00 to Bicycle on 2024-04-19
$87.00 to Bicycle on 2024-04-19
$32.00 to Bicycle on 2024-04-19
$970.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$370.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$150.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$980.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$330.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$60.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$110.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$380.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$70.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$810.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$620.00 to College on 2024-04-19
$57.00 to DisneyWorld Trip on 2024-04-19
$42.00 to DisneyWorld Trip on 2024-04-19
$44.00 to DisneyWorld Trip on 2024-04-19
$38.00 to DisneyWorld Trip on 2024-04-19
$68.00 to Glasses on 2024-04-19
$22.00 to Glasses on 2024-04-19
$58.00 to Rainy Day Fund on 2024-04-19
$39.00 to Rainy Day Fund on 2024-04-19
$49.00 to Sneakers on 2024-04-19
$34.00 to Toys on 2024-04-19
Bluey has made 25 donations for a total of $5528.00

================== Menu ======================
1: list all funds
2: create a new fund
3: list donations for a fund
4: make a donation
5: list donations by contributor
6: quit
What would you like to do? 6

Good bye!