Text Twist Example 1

example game

$ python3 twist.py

|             Welcome to Text Twist!                  |
|                                                     |
|  Here's how to play:                                |
|    We will give you a set of six letters and you    |
|    find all the words that can be made using only   |
|    the letters in the set, using each letter at     |
|    most one time in the word.                       |
|                                                     |
|  Enter q to quit and see all the answers            |
|  Enter t to shuffle the letters                     |
|                                                     |
|  You get 3 points for every 3 letter word guessed   |
|          4 points for every 4 letter word guessed   |
|          5 points for every 5 letter word guessed   |
|          ...                                        |
|                                                     |
|     Good luck!   See if you can find them all!      |

---     ---     ---     ---     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
----    ----    ----    ----    ----
----    ----    ------
Score: 0	 Words found: 0

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): cherub
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
----    ----    ----    ----    ----
----    ----    cherub
Score: 6	 Words found: 1

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): bur
bur     ---     ---     ---     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
----    ----    ----    ----    ----
----    ----    cherub
Score: 9	 Words found: 2

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): cue
bur     ---     cue     ---     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
----    ----    ----    ----    ----
----    ----    cherub
Score: 12	 Words found: 3

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): cub
bur     cub     cue     ---     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
----    ----    ----    ----    ----
----    ----    cherub
Score: 15	 Words found: 4

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): cur
bur     cub     cue     cur     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
----    ----    ----    ----    ----
----    ----    cherub
Score: 18	 Words found: 5

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): ecru
bur     cub     cue     cur     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
----    ----    ----    ----    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 22	 Words found: 6

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): cube
bur     cub     cue     cur     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
----    cube    ----    ----    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 26	 Words found: 7

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): curb
bur     cub     cue     cur     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     ---
----    cube    curb    ----    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 30	 Words found: 8

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): rue
bur     cub     cue     cur     ---
---     ---     ---     ---     rue
----    cube    curb    ----    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 33	 Words found: 9

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): hue
bur     cub     cue     cur     ---
---     hue     ---     ---     rue
----    cube    curb    ----    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 36	 Words found: 10

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): hub
bur     cub     cue     cur     ---
hub     hue     ---     ---     rue
----    cube    curb    ----    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 39	 Words found: 11

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): her
bur     cub     cue     cur     her
hub     hue     ---     ---     rue
----    cube    curb    ----    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 42	 Words found: 12

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): rec
bur     cub     cue     cur     her
hub     hue     rec     ---     rue
----    cube    curb    ----    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 45	 Words found: 13

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): rub
bur     cub     cue     cur     her
hub     hue     rec     rub     rue
----    cube    curb    ----    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 48	 Words found: 14

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): cure
bur     cub     cue     cur     her
hub     hue     rec     rub     rue
----    cube    curb    cure    ecru
----    ----    cherub
Score: 52	 Words found: 15

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): herb
bur     cub     cue     cur     her
hub     hue     rec     rub     rue
----    cube    curb    cure    ecru
herb    ----    cherub
Score: 56	 Words found: 16

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): rube
bur     cub     cue     cur     her
hub     hue     rec     rub     rue
----    cube    curb    cure    ecru
herb    rube    cherub
Score: 60	 Words found: 17

Your letters are: UCHBRE
Enter a word (q to quit, t to shuffle): chub

Final score: 64
Congratulations! You found all the words!