Week 12: Object-Oriented Programming


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We’ve spent a lot of time talking about top-down design as a way to help you modularize your programs. The strength of this approach is that it allows you to make abstractions and hide details in lower-level functions.

Another approach to creating modular programs is object-oriented design.

Remember that objects know stuff and can do stuff.

Defining a new class of objects can simplify the structure of a program by allowing a single variable to store a set of related data. These objects may also have complex behavior that is captured in the methods of the class.

This idea is called ENCAPSULATION. We can take a large collection of data and methods and enscapsulate them into a single object.

Examples from the graphics library

The graphics library that we used earlier in the semester is designed in an object-oriented style. An object consists of a set of related data and a set of operations to manipulate that data. Data is stored in instance variables and is manipulated using methods. Every object is an instance of some class and it is the class definition that determines the attributes of the object.

For example, recall the Circle class. To create a circle object we need to know its center point and its radius.

c1 = Circle(Point(100, 100), 50)

The c1 object is an instance of the Circle class. We can use various methods on this object.

c1.getRadius() will return 50
c1.getCenter() will return the point at 100, 100

Previously we learned how to use existing classes. This week we will learn how to define our own classes.

Defining our own classes

A CLASS defines a new type and is a collection of data and methods.

Methods are just functions. Placing a function inside a class makes it a method of that class, rather than just a stand-alone function. Here is the syntax for defining a class:

class <class-name>(object):
   <method definitions>

Example: Point class

Certain methods in a class have special meaning to Python. These methods have names that begin with two underscore characters.

The special method init is the object constructor. Note that all special method names in Python begin and end with two underscore characters. Python uses this method to initialize the instance variables of a new object.

For a Point we need to know its x and y coordinates, but the first parameter of the init method is named self. After that, we put x and y. This first parameter is special and appears as the first parameter of every method.

The self parameter holds a pointer to the object on which the method is acting.

Another special method in Python is str (again with two underscores before and after the name). This method will automatically be called whenever you print an instance of the object.

Most class definitions will also include methods which are known as getters and setters. Getter methods allow you to see the current value of a particular class variable. Setter methods allow you to change the current value of a particular class variable.

class Point(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        """Constructor is automatically called when you create a new Point"""
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

    def __str__(self):
        """Returns a string of data in object and is called when you print"""
        return "x: %d y: %d" % (self.x, self.y)

    def setX(self, newx):
        """Setter method"""
        self.x = newx

    def setY(self, newy):
        """Setter method"""
        self.y = newy

    def getX(self):
        """Getter method"""
        return self.x

    def getY(self):
        """Getter method"""
        return self.y

def main():
    """Test out the Point class"""
    p1 = Point(1, 2)
    p2 = Point(5, 3)


To call the init method of a class you need to use the class name, as was done above when creating p1 and p2 in main.

To call the str method of a class you need to print the object.

What does self represent?

In Python, when defining the methods for a class, the first parameter should always be self. This variable points to the location of the entire object in memory.

Using self, we can access all of the data (what the object knows), without having to pass it around between the methods. We simply do self.<variable> to access a piece of data stored in the object.

This ability to directly access the data within the object makes the methods simpler and easier to implement.