Quiz 1 Study Guide

You are responsible for all material needed for Lab 1, plus basic for loops from Week 2 (see below for examples). We will not be covering the accumulator pattern or indexing on this quiz. We will also not be testing you on Unix or vscode information.

Study guides are not graded. You may work with other students on the questions, and ask questions about the guide during evening ninja help sessions, or with meetings with faculty and staff. We do not provide full solutions to the study guides.

The study guide is not indicative of length, difficulty, or format of the quiz.


You should understand the following terms:

  • computer

  • algorithm

  • program

  • Python as a programming language

  • variable

  • assignment

  • loop

  • data types: int, float, str

Python concepts and functions

You should be able to use the following Python concepts and functions:

  • assignment using =

  • basic arithmetic expressions using +, -, *, /, %, //, **

  • string concatenation using +

  • reading in strings using input()

  • int(), str(), float(), and type conversion

  • print()

  • def main():

  • comments using # and """

  • basic for loops

Sample practice problems

1) Write a program to convert a certain number of gallons (entered by the user) to liters. There are 3.79 liters in a gallon.

$ python3 gallons.py
Gallons: 2
That's 7.58 liters.

2a) What is the value and type for each of the following expressions? Figure them out by hand first, then try them in python3 to check your answers. For example, the answer to the first one (2 + 3) would be value 5 and type int.

  • 2 + 3

  • 2.0 + 3

  • 5 - 2 * 3

  • "123"

  • 2.0

  • "Swat" + "CS"

  • 7 / 2

  • 7 // 2

  • 7 % 2

2b) What sequence of values does range(6) produce?

3) Write a program that takes a user’s hotel room rate and outputs the cost after adding the 10% city tourism fee. The program should then output the total bill.

$ python3 bill.py
Room rate: 100
Total nights: 3
Tourism Fee: $ 30.0
Total: $ 330.0

4) Show the output from the following code fragments:

for i in range(4):
for x in range(6):
    print("x = " + str(x))
n = 6
v = 2
for i in range(n):
    x = i + 1
    print(str(x) + " " + str(x * v))

5) Write a program that asks the user for their name and a number (n), then prints out their name n times.

$ python3 name.py
name: cs21
n: 6
