Using cs45handin to submit homework assignments

  1. Create a tarfile
    cd to the directory containing your homework files and create a tar file containing everything specified in the homework assignment. For example, for the first project you would include:
    1. all your C source and header files
    2. your Makefile
    3. a README file containing:
      1. the name of you and your partner
      2. any information we need to compile your program (other than typing "make")
      3. any information we need to run your program (for example, a description of any command line arguments and an example command line)
    4. any other files that I explicitly ask that you turn in as part of your assignment
    more info on using tar

  2. Run cs45handin
        % cs45handin
    you should see a menu that looks like the following:
          Hi, your_username!
          This program allows you to turn in your solution to
          Homework 2 -- due by midnight Sunday, September 12
          Enter 'h' to hand in a homework file
          Enter 'v' to view the files you have turned in
          Enter 'q' to quit
  3. Submit the tarfile
    To submit your homework assignment, type h. You will then be prompted to enter the name of the tar file you are handing in.

    To verify that cs45handin has your tar file, type v.

    You can re-submit solution to homework assignments any time before the due date (just re-run cs45handin, and re-submit your tar file)


allspice,[~],3:15pm% cs45handin

Hi, newhall!
This program allows you to turn in your solution to
Homework 1 -- due by midnight Monday, September 12

Enter 'h' to hand in a homework file
Enter 'v' to view the files you have turned in
Enter 'q' to quit

handin> h

Which of the following files do you wish to hand in?

   (a) Hello World Program (Problem 1)
   (b) Goodbye Cruel World Program (Problem 2)

Enter choice (a-b): a

What is the name of your Problem 1 (Hello World Program) tar file? prog1.tar 

OK, you have now turned in your Problem 1 (Hello World Program) tar file.
It will appear in the list of submitted files as "hw1.1.tar"

Enter 'h' to hand in a homework file
Enter 'v' to view the files you have turned in
Enter 'q' to quit

handin> v

newhall, you have turned in the following files:


Enter 'h' to hand in a homework file
Enter 'v' to view the files you have turned in
Enter 'q' to quit
handin> q