CS97 Senior Conference
Swarthmore College
Spring 1997
Prof. L. Meeden

Follow the 'Option 2' link to see how we did at the 1997 AAAI Robot Competition


The senior conference is intended to be a culminating experience in computer science providing you an opportunity to delve more deeply into a particular topic and allowing you to synthesize material from previous courses. You have two options for meeting the requirements of the course.

Option 1: You may work on your own or as a team to complete a major project. You will not be required to attend weekly class meetings, but must meet the following deadlines.

2/3 Bibliography
2/17 Project proposal
2/24 Revised proposal (if necessary)
3/17 Progress report
3/31 Progress report
4/14 Progress report
4/28 Project demonstration and presentation

25% Project bibliography, proposal, progress reports
25% Project presentation
50% Project content

Option 2: Meet weekly (Mondays 1:15-4:00 in Sproul 31A) to discuss the theme of Embodied Intelligence based on assigned readings. In addition we will work together as a team to prepare a robot for the upcoming American Association of Artificial Intelligence robot competition. The project will be a paper about your contributions to the robot preparation or a research paper relating to the course theme.

Text: Selected readings from Clark's Being There (MIT Press 1997), Franklin's Artificial Minds (MIT Press 1995), and others.

25% Class participation
25% Reading responses
50% Project (due 4/21)