CS63 Fall 2002
Lab 9: Digit recognition with neural networks
Due: Friday, December 13 by noon

One very successful application of neural networks has been in the recognition of zip codes on hand addressed envelopes. We will be trying a simpler version of this task for today's lab. Instead of trying to recognize five digit numbers, we will try to recognize single digits encoded as 6x6 images. We will be using the xtlearn software described in the final section of your reading packet.

  1. I have provided the neural network files needed to run the following examples we discussed in class: or, and, and xor. Copy the contents of the the following directory to your home directory:
    Try running experiments with each of these problems and be sure you understand how to use the xtlearn software to train and test the networks.

  2. We need to generate an appropriate training set. Take the blank template below, which is six rows by six columns, and create your own version of the digits 0-9. Use the full extent of the space and center the digits in the space as much as possible.
    0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0
    0 0 0 0 0 0
    For example, here is one possible way to represent the digit one:
    0 0 0 1 0 0
    0 0 1 1 0 0
    0 0 0 1 0 0
    0 0 0 1 0 0
    0 0 0 1 0 0
    1 1 1 1 1 1
    Add your versions to the top of the file digits.data (in the digits subdirectory) just below the first two lines. Make sure that you separate each digit with a blank line. Go to the top of this file and change the number of patterns to 240. Also go to the top of the file digits.teach and add another 10 lines with 1-10 on them, and update the number of patterns to 240.

  3. According to Plunkett and Elman in their book of exercises written for the xtlearn software, for certain kinds of problems we should use the cross-entropy error measure rather than the default mean squared error measure: "The cross-entropy has been used as an alternative to squared error. Cross-entropy can be used as an error measure when a network's output nodes can be thought of as representing independent hypotheses (e.g. each node stand for a different concept), and the node activations can be understood as representing the probability (or confidence) that each hypothesis might be true. In that case, the output vector represents a probability distribution, and the error measure--cross-entropy--indicates the distance between what the network believes this distribution should be, and what the teacher says it should be. There is a practical reason to use cross-entropy as well. It may be more useful in problems in which the targets are 0 and 1 (though the output obviously may assume values in between)."

    Our problem is exactly this type, so when learning select the "Use and log X-entropy" option, under the training options.

  4. Use the basic feedforward network I provided in the digits subdirectory with 36 input units, 10 hidden units, and 10 output units (one for each digit). Run at least 5 trials. What percentage of the digits are recognized on average? Are some of the sets of digits easier or harder than others?

  5. Create a new network which attempts to provide feature detectors. For example, have one set of hidden units only pay attention to the top row of the input, another set only to the next row, and so on. You could also have hidden units which only pay attention to one column, or one corner. So rather, than having the hidden layer connect to every input node, you are allowing certain units to focus on certain subsets of the input. Run at least 5 trials with this new architecture. How does it compare to the fist set of experiments?

  6. Notice I have included a program called cluster in the lab9-nnets directory. To use this program to do a cluster analysis, create a file of hidden activations and an associated file of labels for those patterns, and then do:
    % cluster file.hidden file.label
    To create a file of hidden activations you need to include a line in the .cf file under the SPECIAL: section, of the following form
    selected = startNode-endNode
    Then, after the network has learned, go to the Test menu and choose Probe selected nodes. By default, the values will be output to the screen. But you can choose to have them sent to a file under the Testing options. Remove the comments at the top of the file, so that the first line is a set of hidden node activations. Finally create a file of labels, with one label per line, describing the input associated with each set of hidden node activations.

  7. Summarize your results in tabular form. Include a picture of your new network's architecture. Try doing a cluster analysis of each network. Discuss your results in detail. Which architecture seems to perform the best? Why do you think this is the case? Create a web page with your write up. Send me an email letting me know the URL.